WeGo Bus Analysis
(Python): Used WeGo Public Transit data to analyze bus
spacing and on-timepercentages based on direction of
travel, route, location, day/time, and other factors.
Createdvisualizations and shared insights in group
presentation. (Python, Pandas)
Virtual Assistant
Video Demo
A virtual assistant built in Python using: Speech
Recognition, pyttsx3, selenium, PyAutoGUI, osascript, and
opencv_python, and multiple APIs. Aardvark captures speech
from the default microphone, transcripts it into an english
string, then performs various functions based on the
commands. It is only activated by saying its name,
Automated Job Search
Uses Selenium to scrape google for jobs in certain cities,
for specific job roles. Creates a dictionary of the data,
then sends an email with the formatted data everyday.
Movie Guru
Live Site
A clone of a streaming service. Shows and movies can be
browsed without logging in, but to view the movie page, the
user must be logged in. Titles are stored in JSON files and
are then filtered by category into their own carousels.
Built with Next.js (React.js, node.js), JavaScript, HTML,
CSS with OAuth login.